Charles R. Solomon
September 7, 2012
Care and cure are cousins
For our help brought to bear.
With cure wrought by the Spirit
While man renders only care!
While care can bring relief
And comfort in the short term
Only cure by the Spirit
Will His way and will confirm.
While symptoms need assuaging
Cure must address the core;
Since care gives cure a setback,
There's the need for something more.
The arm of the flesh is lacking
When we find ourselves in trouble.
Anything short of spiritual help
Will be wood, hay, and stubble!
When care has run its course
And our lives have hit the wall,
The Spirit brings resolution
As upon His name we call.
Losing our lives to save them (Luke 9:24)
Means gaining His instead;
The symptoms will lose power
As by His Spirit we are led.