by: Charles R. Solomon
This book is the third written by Dr. Solomon; it was originally published in 1978 by Revell under the title, Counseling with the Mind of Christ. The first two books are entitled: Handbook to Happiness and The Ins and Out o f Rejection. Handbook to Happiness is the foundational book for the counseling approach that Dr. Solomon was called of God to pioneer in the late 60's and early 70's and was his project in lieu of dissertation for his doctorate at University of Northern Colorado in 1972.
Dr. Solomon labeled the approach to counseling or discipleship, SpirituotherapyTM, and it has come to be known commonly as exchanged life counseling. Training of varying types has now been done by Grace Fellowship International (GFI) on six continents and by those who have been trained and/or influenced by the inauguration of the approach of GFI. This book serves as a text from which both professionals and lay people can profit in learning systematically to share the power of the Cross and see the Holy Spirit do radical transformation in lives.