by: Charles R. Solomon
PTSD is a catchall
For insults to the soul,
With war’s horrors
Having taken their toll.
Depression is their lot
With migraines running second
Then, anxiety and flashbacks
With mental illness reckoned.
With atrocities being common
And spiritual resources needed,
Before, during and after,
Such help is left unheeded.
With renewing of the mind (Rom. 12:2)
To be of prime import,
They’re left by their ‘helpers’
Self resources to exhort!
With God’s help sorely needed,
They’re offered drugs instead;
With man’s answers proven futile
Down the primrose path they’re led.
Though most could be set free
If God’s power were invited,
Both the helpers and helpees
Leave His love unrequited.
Such symptoms that are suffered
Are well within God’s domain;
His power to heal invoked
Means the ending of self’s reign.
With self’s resources bankrupt
And human answers of no avail,
Transformation can only come
As His love and power prevail.
Since He has been disinvited,
Miraculous change is refused;
Secular humanism rules the day
With God’s name and power abused.