Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also known as hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) is a mental disorder or neurobehavioral disorder characterized by either significant difficulties of inattention or hyperactivity and impulsiveness or a combination of the two.

The fairly recent phenomenon of ADHD is a catchall for aberrant behavior, on the one hand, and a windfall for the pharmaceutical industry on the other. It is interesting that there is an ADHD plague, with sometimes half the class on Ritalin or Adderol, but little or nothing being done to isolate the cause! At least, I do not think an ADHD gene has been discovered!
While counseling is advised, along with the medication, it is seldom actually carried out. Even if it were, it would be purely psychological in nature with the vital dimension of the spirit totally ignored. Spiritual counseling is desperately needed by both parent and child and could well obviate the standard treatment.
It should not escape notice that broken homes and parents with psychological/marital difficulties are the prime breeding ground for the affliction of ADHD, as are homes where drugs are abused. In my opinion, rejection plays a vital role in the incubation of ADHD.
The thrust of this article is that the psycho/spiritual difficulties and/or deficiencies should be factored out before relegating aberrant behavior to purely physiological causes and treatment. Ignoring the mainspring within the person, the spirit, is to neglect the personhood and the prime source of responsible behavior and fountainhead of motivation.

Pastor Phil Jones
7706 Ewing Rd.
Powell, TN 37849
(865) 947-9074