South Asia: India
Our work was planted there in 1982 under the direction of Professor P.P. Thomas who obtained Handbook for Christ-Centered Counseling from a missionary friend in Canada. We have a compound for counseling and training in Kottayam. During my trip to our mission fields in 2005, I ministered to leaders in Delhi, Hyderabad, and Cochin.
We have trained believers from various points in the country, including the Northeast, and have conducted training at several locations in the country. It is now our purpose to expand the training via media, particularly the internet, since the country is so diverse and heavily populated. One of o ur staff couples, Giftus and Sopna Joshua, has now joined the Christian Medical Center in Vellore in chaplaincy; the center has a staff of more than 4,000 and treats patients from around India and surrounding countries.
Southeast Asia: The Far East
Korea: The Korean Handbook was published in the late 70’s; Dr. Paul Kim, who is a Southern Baptist pastor in Torrance, CA is our representative and has done a new translation of the book, preparatory to doing conferences for pastors there.
China: My trip there in June 2007 resulted in ministry in a Three Self church which was a decided blessing. The leader of the young people is preparing for further training here or in South Africa.
Myanmar: Dr. Joseph ThauThau contacted us and wants to use our materials in his ministry and Bible school in Yangon. The tract is in Burmese and is being translated in Mizo. He also ministers in Thailand and Laos. The tract is in Thai and is needed in Laotian.
The Philippines: Rev. Perfecto Mumar has been here for training and is having a fruitful itinerant ministry among pastors in the southern Philippines, primarily in Cebuano with the tract now translated in Tagalog and Ilongo.