Grace Fellowship International (GFI) now has a presence on six continents, and lives have been transformed on each through the ministry of discipleship counseling and the printed page. In light of present world conditions, perhaps the greatest mission field is North America. However, it has been our experience that Western Europe and North America are the least receptive to the message of the Cross for the believer (Rom. 6:6, Gal. 2:20). Since revival and sanctification are the thrust of our message, the Cross is at cross purposes with contemporary approaches to church growth and the current emphasis on psychology in counseling.
GFI was incorproated in 1969 and began full time ministry on February 1, 1970. Since that time, ministry has been done in most states and many foreign countries. There have been many spin off ministries in this and other countries. Handbook to Happiness (Tyndale House, 1971, 1999) is the flagship book of a movement which has come to be known, generally, as Exchanged Life counseling, which is synonymous with revival. Chapter 2 has been condensed into tract form, the Wheel and Line.