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Don't "Get a Life" - Exchange It!
How do you fix a broken person? Where do you take twisted emotions to get them repaired?
Almost five decades of history have proven God's call on Charles Solomon's life to develop and pioneer a transferable approach to teaching Galatians 2:20 to defeated and/or troubled believers.
Transformed lives from the beginning, and training others to replicate the ministry, have taken it around the world. Most of the maladies commonly treated by psychologists and psychiatrists, that are non-organic, have responded to the Spirit's ministration known as SpirituotherapyTM
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Much has been written on revival - our need for it, why major revivals do not continue, and the possibility of another similar awakening. However, the very real probability of individual revival is usually not addressed.
Therefore, it seems we need to wait until the Holy Spirit 'falls'. Half a century of individual revival shows the fallacy of waiting on general revivial, when we could be seeing individual believers experiencing the fullness of the Spirit daily!
This booklet summarizes the simplicity of the Holy Spirit's ministering revival when we repent of fleshly living and ministry, deny ourselves, and take up the cross (Luke 9:23). It is best summarized in Galatians 2:20:
I am crucified with Christ ... yet ... I live.
This is an urgent and impassioned plea to the Church fathers and leaders, down to the youngest believer reading this message! It is to challenge you to volunteer as a soldier of the cross; you will not be drafted! With enough soldiers of the cross, a new front, called New Reformation, could be opened which is desperately needed to repel the enemy and recover lost ground!
The first missions trip in 1978 to the Orient laid the foundation for ministry in a number of languages, beginning with Spanish and Korean. The Holy Spirit was faithful to transform lives on all six continents. Therefore, the way is paved for a worldwide Reformation based on the truth of sanctification by faith.
Such a consummation is coming to fruition with major training in Bogota, Colombia 2013 - a major step forward in the Latin American Church with some 750 leaders preparing for training due to the vision of Rev. Oscar Gutierrez.
In 2014 and 2015, we have begun 'Wheel & Line' ministry in Pakistan beginning with the Urdu translation of Handbook to Happiness by Pastor Simon Kamran. The book has sparked revival in his church and has begun to spread!
Handbook to Happiness is a compilation of materials the Holy Spirit gave to share with the hurting during the first year and a half of ministry. Lives were transformed in the original sharing and subsequent proliferation in print around the world. Also, it is the flagship book of the movement which has become known as exchanged life counseling, having been in print continuously for 41 years. His book which followed, and a number of authors, have built on the pioneering work and writing since its publication in 1971.
Manual de Consejeria Centrada en Cristo
From Pastors to Pastors: Testimonies of Revitalized Ministries
Discipulando a los Desesperados