Western Europe: Eva Seyboth is our director for Western Europe and is located in Greeley, Colorado, having translated the Handbook. She has also done training in Moscow where she continued with Elena Falevskya whom she had trained for a short while in Germany. Eva organized my conference near Basel, Switzerland in 2005 which I conducted on my world trip spanning 28,000 miles and three continents in a month. The Rejection Syndrome is being translated in German. José Diaz is our representative in Spain and has translated Handbook and Ins and Out of Rejection.
Eastern Europe: Our director for Eastern Europe is Rev. Peter Mihent who is an anointed counselor and teacher in Oradea, Romania. Working under him in Iasi, Romania and Moldova is Victor Condorachi who is also fluent in Russian. Our previous director in Ukraine, Victor Zhuromsky, has relocated to Canada and turned the Russian work over to Rev. Roman Shakin in Kiev, who is theologically trained and experienced as a pastor and missionary. His burden is for young people in the Russian world. Five (5) of my books have been published in Russian as has a Russian/Greek Interlinear New Testament with Strong’s Numbers.