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    True Revival:  A Matter of Death and Life


Before we take a look at what true revival is, it is necessary to establish the context of the culture in which it is being evaluated.  How is culture impacting Christianity?  How must Christianity impact our culture if we are to survive as a nation?  Since we are living in a post-Christian era, it will require more than lukewarm Christianity to be effective as a witness in an increasingly hostile environment.  Though overt persecution is not yet widespread, the Humanist Manifesto gives an indication of what we can expect.  To avoid further infiltration by humanistic values, the Holy Spirit needs to move mightily in the lives of believers and, through them, in the hearts of lost men and women.

In the past, the United States has been called a God-fearing nation; now, the fear of God and the certainty of facing Him has all but vacated the heart of man.  The drug culture, the fascination with violence, and the immersion in immorality and perversion, along with more than 40 million abortions, is mute testimony to the fact that our nation all but worships evil rather than a holy God.  Militant humanism and its handmaiden, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), have conspired to remove God not only from present-day life but also from the history books.  The purpose is to keep the younger generation from knowing where we have come from, who we are, and where we should be going.  Being separated from roots and absolutes, those who are taking the helm of this nation are cast adrift in an aimless sea of humanistic fog.  Let’s take a look at how the tenets of humanism have subtly influenced even our mind-set as believers.


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