It's as though the author followed me around for 55 years!"
-Man from GA
It's like the author has been reading my mail!"
-Young lady in OH
In Dr. Charles Solomon's sequel to Handbook to Happiness, he addresses the most common issue found in persons with mental and emotional disturbances, which is rejection. In part one of The Ins and Out of Rejection, Dr. Solomon covers all the bases on which rejection plays on the emotions of the human soul. There are two basic types of rejection, overt and covert. Overt rejection could be labeled as open or obvious rejection such as harmful words directed toward an individual. Covert rejection is a more subtle type of rejection such as overprotection of a child or the death of a parent. These covert rejections, although not obvious, can be perceived as rejection. The antidote to rejections is acceptance . In order for the basic problem of rejection to be resolved, the acceptance must be on a supernatural level . In Ephesians 1:6 we find that we are accepted in the Beloved. To know that Christ accepts us as His own is profound to the healing process.
Rejection can also occur in the body of Christ. Many members of the body of Christ have not relinquished total control of the self life for Christ's life and, therefore, proceed to try to gain love and acceptance from others in the body of Christ through a works based mentality. In order to remedy this problem, the goal should be to lead all Christians to the cross to be freed from the bondage of self and exchange their life for Christ's life.
In part two of The Ins and Out of Rejection, we are able to understand more of the dynamics of SpirituotherapyTM. We learn some of the intricate parts of the spirit, soul, and body. We are able to see how the mind, will, and emotions, which make up our soul area, interpret data and rejections that are fed to it. We can see how the will must make a choice to either internalize the rejection, causing more problems in the soul and body, or either to externalize it by dumping out hostility and anger onto others. Sometimes, the overload on the mind can be too much and it can no longer handle the internal and external stress. This can cause a person to deny reality or to shift blame on others. If victory over the self life is not won, it can lead to a physical or psychological breakdown.
We also learn about the perils of the well adjusted. The well adjusted are those that have learned to cope well with life by their own resources and not Christ's. These persons may not realize their need for total surrender as easily and they may tend to run on the energies of the flesh. This is unproductive and the loss to the Lord's work by the enemy's deception is incalculable.
The way to deliverance of the previous matters is for truth to invade the soul. The correct data must be put into the mind and processed out through the will to act upon the new program. This is the process of renewing our mind. By our volitional choice in our will, Christ takes control and empowers the believer to behave in accord with truth. As the believer continues to reckon upon truth, the Holy Spirit will utilize circumstances and the word to deal with the flesh and crucify it. This is our sanctification process and we find in Dr. Solomon's book, The Ins and Out of Rejection, there are several patterns in which believers are brought to victory over the flesh. This process is not easy but we should remember to count it all joy. The trying of our faith does work the fruitfulness God intended. As the believer endures and yields to the work of the Holy Spirit, he will experience freedom and peace unlike any he has known before.
In conclusion, Christ's love is the all pervasive antidote for rejection. In Dr. Solomon's book, The Ins and Out of Rejection, we find that Christ not only loved us enough to die for our sin but also loved us enough to die for our self! This is His life and His life more abundantly to us and to the world. Let us go forth in victory and share His life with those that are abiding in death and show them the way to victory.
- Dr. John Woodward
