East Africa
Rev. Westin, whom I met in 1996 as he interpreted for me in Nairobi, found victory a year later and, subsequently, became our director for East Africa. He is being greatly used in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda and has plans to reach adjoining countries. In my meeting there in 2005, we had former Muslim leaders, one or two of whom were recently imprisoned for 13 days in Sudan. Two days ago, Rev. Ambaka met with the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Uganda with a view toward training his leadership which could have ripple effects in the Global South.
Middle East
Jenny Hovsepian, an Egyptian friend who had our training in the early 80’s, is doing a daily broadcast in Arabic throughout the Middle East. She ministered in Yemen, where her friends were murdered in a Baptist hospital a few years ago. Handbook to Happiness has been translated in Arabic in Lebanon by Rev. Adel Masri and is almost ready to go to press.
South Africa
Dr. Hendrik and Nehlsie de Bruto are seeing many lives transformed in Cape Town where they are headquartered; their ministry is called Curare (Latin for healing). They and a board member, Rev. Piet du Toit, are doing conferences around the country. Since Piet is a former Dutch Reformed pastor, he is having an impact in that church as well as others. Nehlsie has been to Malawi, and Dr. de Bruto conducted a conference in Namibia. They have trained a number of believers in internships, some of whom are now working with them; they are training a couple to succeed them as their age begins to limit their ministry. English-speaking believers from around the world may go there for internships; brothers that I met in China and India are now considering going there for training.
West Africa
Rev. Frey Bedell is our contact in Monrovia, Liberia, and he will be coming in November for training to be our representative there. This will be our first official outpost in West Africa.