Come walk with me—
A journey well worth taking,
With many peaks and valleys
For a servant in the making.
We must first get to know God (John 3:3)
To know what He expects,
And then we learn His ways (Ps. 103:7)
As our living He directs.
He speaks through His Son (Heb. 1:2)
In this age of grace;
First, we seek His hand,
And then we seek His face.
Our sin becomes more vivid
As we experience conviction,
And confess our sin we must
If we’re to know redemption. (1 John 1:9)
Many come to know Him
As personal Savior and Lord;
But few go beyond to Life (Phil. 1:21)
As admonished in His Word.
The Church must have disciples (Luke 14:27)
To complete His work on Earth;
Losing their lives to save them,
They come to know their worth. (Matt. 16:24, 25)
As they learn to disciple others,
Transformation can be expected; (Rom. 12:2)
Believers who aren’t disciples
Will find themselves dejected.
As they endeavor to help others
With the best of man’s inventions,
They find their goals frustrated
While having noble intentions.
When we are yoked with God, (Matt. 11:28-30)
He moves with consummate ease,
But attempting help in our own strength
Is not our God to please.
Ardent employment of world’s wisdom
Leaves much to be desired,
And absent ministering the cross
Means hard work will be required.
We must work for the night is coming, (John 9:4)
And it is now all but upon us!
As we’re faithful to His Lordship,
We can shed the flesh’s onus!
The Spirit waits to honor
A people yielded to Him;
As the Light of the World dawns, (John 8:12)
The world’s lights grow dim!