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A weakened Church has given rise to a concerted effort by the secular humanists and the liberal press to undermine the influence of the Church and pressure it into a ‘politically correct’ stance. Only a Reformation fueled by the preaching of the cross in sanctification or discipleship, which impacts the Church nationally, will serve to return the Church to a stance that is both respected and formidable, since it will be typified by transformed lives and Spirit-empowered ministry.
An individual or an entity at an extremity is a candidate for Holy Spirit transformation. When the only way out is up, there is fertile ground to be lifted by ‘the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” from the grip of ‘the law of sin and death’ (Rom. 8:2)!
The situation in our country is rapidly moving in a negative fashion so that it will likely be the rule, rather than the exception, for desperation to provide fertile soil for spiritual transformation. However, our country will, in all likelihood, be too far down the slippery slope of humanism and socialism to be retrieved from its clutches unless major revival rescues it from oblivion.
The near bankruptcy concerning wisdom and common sense (to say nothing of our near financial bankruptcy), and the near absence of adherence to absolutes, combine to reduce our country to a level of mediocrity heretofore unknown.
Since our churches tend to be more perfunctory than Holy Spirit empowered, and believers in their daily lives and occupations do not function in the Holy Spirit (with some happy exceptions); and God and the Lord Jesus have been disinvited from public life, we are reaping what we have sown in immorality, corruption, violence, mass murders, and near anarchy.
Our people are being taught to look to the government rather than God when, in truth, God is our source, despite the government’s interposing itself between us and Him in destructive ways. In today’s sociopolitical milieu, militant secular humanism, aided and abetted by the liberal press, equates the Christian Church with the conservative right. While much of the two might be coincidental, such representation of the Church is a caricature.
With the preponderance of the Church omitting the cross for the believer as its marching orders, it has been severed from its Power Source and Authority! As such, it is little more effective than its sworn enemy, secular humanism and its allies, which causes undue confidence to be placed in conservative leadership’s espousing values consistent with Christianity. The result is conservative flesh fighting secular flesh with neither led and empowered by the Holy Spirit; both are askew from God’s will, with secular flesh having the majority in its camp.
Nothing less than a new Reformation, empowered by the Holy Spirit, will empower the Church to stem the tide of secular humanism, along with all of the destructive agendas in its wake! The motive force behind such a Reformation can only be the individual believer’s experiencing his death and resurrection with Christ (Rom. 6:3-11), and consequent filling of the Holy Spirit for life and service. This has been the truth undergirding the life transformations mentioned earlier and past major awakenings that the Church has known—scriptural discipleship!