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The deficiency is even more glaring when considering the behavioral sciences where the spirit should have primacy over the soul and body. And, the Holy Spirit should be the Agent of change with the Word of God of greater significance than a human therapist (however dedicated as a believer) utilizing psychological principles and methodologies in the process of therapy. The latter will strengthen the flesh, while the former will halt its reign.
It has been the usual pattern to give the spirit honorable mention in psychological research by noting how often a person prays, reads his Bible, attends church, etc. which are behaviors, not necessarily spiritual life. Thus, the psychological arena is taken to greater depth and given primacy in the research rather than trusting the Holy Spirit for life transformation through the spirit, while assessing the impact of such on soul and body.
The shallowness of spiritual experience is manifested also in professions or pursuits which are traditionally considered to be secular in nature, such as business, engineering, and the like. And, yet, these pursuits are likely places for the Spirit to manifest Himself, given the opportunity by yielded believers.
One vital area that the Spirit should rule without fail is that of theology; but that is frequently not the case, since an educated and gifted theologian may not have experienced the cross (Gal. 2:20) and can hold a contrary theological position. Obviously, a shortcoming here at the outset will result in further deviation as his/her propositions are developed. Only as theology is Christ and cross centered will it be a tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit and be the precursor of miraculously transformed lives through the word of God by the man of God.
Of course, all of this feeds together to have a major impact on government—either positively or negatively. The true Church will have influence in government, if it is widely known, where it can speak for God; or its lack will, at least by default, pave the way for secular humanism and/or alien religions. Since this is the current situation in our country, it will require a completed Reformation to revive the Church and cause it to be a major player in today’s society.